This short film by Kostas Karydas was awarded in the London 'Mofilm' festival
"I would laugh more, dance more, play more, love more..."
Why do we always postpone these things which are so essential to our well-being? It's so simple yet there is always something holding us back. Of course, we all do these things; we all laugh, we all dance, play, love; but not always, or as much as we would have liked to. We always tend to make life a bit more complicated than it should be. The problem is we think too much. I think we need to learn to be a bit more spontaneous in our life, to get out of that comfort zone. There are so many elements of life that can’t be captured in a to-do list. We can get more out of life when also being spontaneous rather that always following a fixed plan, we can do both. We just need to learn to be free, that's the key: freedom. Follow your intuition and try silencing the mind from time to time...
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