"I am on a journey... With my work, my explorations, and a few sad stories. I travel with a suitcase full of outrageous blessings. I am on a quest for truth, beauty, and quiet joy. I am an artist, a writer, an explorer."

Wednesday 11 September 2024

Ode to Africa

Saya by Sona Jobarteh

It has been over a year since our trip, but, whatever it was that was ignited within us, is still there. It was a trip that shifted our perspective, that made us realise that magic is always burning bright.

From tracking wildlife at sunrise, at sunset, to snorkelling in the reefs of the Indian Ocean, we witnessed beauty so mesmerising we’d forget to breathe. From having wine, wine and more wine at centuries-old wine estates, to sipping on local rum while enjoying the crisp of the ocean breeze.

We drummed and we danced to rhythms that touched our being; we felt so grounded we couldn’t help but be in the moment. We witnessed kindness, humbleness, authenticity; personalities that genuinely left a mark on us.

What a wake-up call, what a way to hit pause; to see the world differently and to soak up the beauty in the present. As the plane prepared for take-off, on the way back home, I felt tears trickle down my cheeks. I had this bittersweet feeling; a mixture of profound gratitude, but also a certain weight on my chest. I felt like I was leaving a part of me behind.

When you are in Africa you feel primordial, rocked in the cradle of the world.”

Africa, you made our sole soar; we will be back.

Monday 15 July 2024

Heaven’s Light

A Mirror Appears by Ramel Alloy

There is no better feeling than being home and knowing that everything I will ever need is within these walls.  

In this moment, my heart is so full.

I look at you and think about how we found each other. It took three encounters, but they do say “third time’s a charm”. Some people may say it’s chance, but I’ll call it fate. 

In this moment, happiness is all I feel.

Friday 31 May 2024

These Days

Interlude by ABBOTT (feat. Canea Quartett)

They say it takes time for you to feel like yourself again after having a baby. Suddenly, you are a place constantly sought for comfort, nourishment, sleep. There are no rain checks, you have to be all in.

I may not get much time to myself these days, yet nothing beats the feeling of knowing that, for this short period of time, I am your world; of knowing that it is in my power to ensure that you will always feel safe, protected and taken care of.

Somehow, these days I feel more like myself than ever before. 

Thursday 2 May 2024

It’s Gold

RĂªverie by Debussy

What’s the chemical element associated with the symbol Au?”

There comes a day when there is a whole new life in your hands. Suddenly, it is not only about keeping yourself alive; you find yourself waking up in the middle of the night with a new sense of responsibility. 

On nights like these, our baby happily suckles away as we play trivia to pass the time. She stares at me with eyes filled with wonder for this new world. Eventually, she falls asleep again. 

It is only the beginning, but I cannot help but wonder how long these nights will last; I try to take it all in because I know they won’t last forever.

“It’s gold.”

Wednesday 20 March 2024

These Moments

Heaven’s Light by David Tolk

It’s Spring again.

We sleep with open windows 

These days;

The cool breeze gently brushes off our bodies

In the early hours.

The warm rays of the rising sun 

Penetrate through the curtains

And I wake up to your soft kisses on my back,

As our morning ritual unfolds.

In these moments

I know I have all the answers;

My heart is full.

By Alice Karayianni