Is this really the world?
Shall I grieve? Shall I hope?
I prefer to sing.
Undoubtedly, this past year has felt like a script taken out of George Orwell's '1984' for many of us. Does two and two make five? Yes, sir.
We live in a system that enables corruption, that rarely exposes it or holds it into account. Access to information is a basic human right and yet so much information is being withheld from the public. There is a lack of transparency and, as such, the public has no power whatsoever. When the public is unaware, the leaders (political or other) are free to do as they please for their own private gain. You cannot challenge someone if you do not have the whole picture.
It is all a vicious cycle; leaders end up gaining too much power out of this and when they have been doing things a certain way for so long it starts to feel normal, not only to them, but to everyone around them, it becomes very difficult to reverse that situation. Even protests and riots are no longer effective and overthrowing leadership simply leads to chaos. Personally, I've grown very wary and, very weary, of politics.
Politics is nothing more than a game of world domination and decent people will always be conformed, or crushed. Decent people are not the team players, but rather the ones who bring about disruption to a perfectly devised plan. Oh, and don't get me started about the Church and its so-called morality.
I'm beginning to realise it's difficult to bring about change in the world and that is what's sad. I will always treat what leaders say with great suspicion and that is not something that will change easily. No matter what though, we must keep hoping that not everything humans lay their hands on develops a corrupt nature by default! If anything, people are becoming all the more awakened.
We must keep hoping.
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