"I am on a journey... With my work, my explorations, and a few sad stories. I travel with a suitcase full of outrageous blessings. I am on a quest for truth, beauty, and quiet joy. I am an artist, a writer, an explorer."

Wednesday, 1 January 2020


Photograph by Alice Karayianni

Accept what is.
Release what was.
Create what must be.

2019 was a year of growth and positive transition for me, in many aspects, and I have been filled with immense gratitude. Life always has a way of showing us that nothing is ever as it seems and this ephemerality is the very beauty of it. This impermanence that can surprise you from one moment to the next, that can turn your world around. Of course, these are two sides of the same coin! But I’ve learned that whatever will be, will be, no matter what, and that the one thing I can do is to just keep giving any given moment my best. At the end of the day, our life is as good as our mindset and it is the energy that we bring into every situation that matters, how we respond to things. We need to keep those vibrations high!

Every day, we are given the opportunity to build on who we are, to become a version which is closer to who we really are, or who we want to become, at least. Every time I felt lost, I was only just getting closer to new realisations, leading me to a better version of myself. We need to let go of whatever weighs us down and needs to be lost, in order to find our truth. After all, we cannot lose what we no longer are and what is truly ours will never leave us. We just need to have the courage to face our life in all its light and its darkness; I always keep reminding myself that it is through the cracks that the light gets in. It has become a personal mantra over the years. It’s through these cracks that we learn to love ourselves a little more, to accept ourselves for who we are and, in turn, to accept others for who they are. It’s through the cracks that we grow.

And this brings me to my last point, letting go of expectations and the pursuit of perfection. We have this impulse of wanting to know how everything will unfold, a need to figure everything out before its time, to be in control. We have this fear that if we are not prepared then something might go wrong and things won’t be as perfect as we imagined them to be. But how many times has life proved to us that it is unpredictable? And how many times have we resisted a moment simply because it did not satisfy our expectations? We should finally start embracing that uncertainty and allow ourselves to linger in the unknown from time to time. When nothing is certain, everything is possible, the landscape is infinite.

For 2020, I hope we learn to slow down and take a step back from all the chaos around us; to surrender to what is rather than what should be. To appreciate the people we love a little more, to love with actions and not just words, to really experience each moment life brings to us and to make the most of the opportunities brought our way. The present moment is all there is. I hope we learn to embrace the imperfect nature of the world around us and, in doing that, become more understanding and compassionate with ourselves as we are, transforming only in ways that bring us closer to our true self. And, in our continuous pursuit of finding meaning and whatever it is that makes our soul expand, I hope we always keep an open heart and an open mind.

Here’s to a year of magic!

Happy 2020 to all :)